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Dangerous Drugs

New Jersey Dangerous Drug Attorneys

Defective Drug Cases in New Jersey and Nationwide

Pharmaceutical products, medicines and drugs, are widely advertised to the public as being the answer to a case of the blues, sleeplessness, anxiety, indigestion, weight loss, asthma, inflammation as well as other far more serious medical conditions. The FDA requires substantial testing of these new drugs to ensure they are reasonably safe for use and actually produce the result intended before they are allowed to enter the marketplace. Sadly, many of these products can produce far more severe conditions when actually used by the consumer. If your health has been compromised or you have lost a loved one due to an unexpected “side-effect” it is crucial that you speak with an established New Jersey defective drug attorney with a record of successfully taking on pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Can I file a defective drug lawsuit?

Prescribing doctors are provided information by the drug companies regarding the use of a drug, its effectiveness, and its side effects. Over-the-counter medications are generally considered “safe for use” by the consumer, otherwise they would not be permitted to be sold without a prescription. These products by law must include understandable warnings and instructions concerning their safe use, just as your doctor must tell you of the known side effects of a prescription medication, so you can weigh the dangers and make an informed decision.

We can assist you with any of the following:

  • Prescription drug injuries
  • Pharmaceutical drug interactions
  • Medical Device injuries
  • Drug Side effects
  • Deficient warning labels

When a patient suffers a severe side effect such as tumors, cancer, heart damage, heart attack, stroke, jaw necrosis, osteoporosis, brain damage, suicide, or death, without the proper warning, the manufacturer may be liable. Our talented dangerous drug lawyers will investigate your defective drug injury, gather the vital evidence and put together a compelling case.

New Jersey Dangerous Drug Law Firm

Our firm is currently accepting cases for injuries caused by the following drugs:

  • Accutane
  • Actos
  • Avandia
  • Benicar
  • Fosamax
  • Levaquin
  • NuvaRing
  • Pradaxa
  • Risperdal
  • Xarelto
  • Yasmin/Yaz

Whether your injuries were caused by a prescription drug, a so-called psychiatric drug, or an OTC medication, our dangerous drug lawyers prepared to assist you to take the legal action necessary to obtain full compensation for your injuries.

Contact a New Jersey dangerous drug attorney today for a free consulatation.