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Defective Products

New Jersey Defective Product Attorneys

What to Do about Defective Products in New Jersey

Manufacturers have an obligation to ensure any product they produce and put on the market performs as promised and will not cause harm when used as intended. To do less than this is negligence. The area of the law which concerns this responsibility is called product liability. Despite this, businesses and individual consumers are victimized by manufacturers in such a hurry to get their goods sold and make profits that they ignore the safety of the end-user of the product. If you or a loved one has been injured by a defective product it is important that you consult a skilled Newark personal injury attorney at once.

New Jersey Defective Product Law Firm

Negligence in the design of a product and in the manufacturing of a product is responsible for serious injuries and deaths in the home, at work, at play and while on the road. Deadly construction accidents are routinely caused by faulty tools and equipment. Auto accidents result from tires which suddenly give out and vehicles which are so poorly built as to be dangerous. Children die from toys, strollers, cribs and other children’s products. Medical devices supposedly designed to assist or prolong life malfunction causing injury or death. The list goes on and on. Allowing designers and manufacturers to profit by turning out shoddy goods and leaving the user to pay the price in pain and high medical expenses and other injury is unjust. A defective product lawyer at my firm keenly feels a responsibility to put the responsibility for these events where it belongs and make the negligent designer or manufacturer bear the costs.

Unfortunately it seems the only way to curb these negligent individuals is to penalize them by insisting they compensate the injured. Mere money will never make up the damage to the consumer for a lost limb or a lost life, but it can make the manufacturer change his ways and take more care, which will keep others safe in the future. Our law firm has the resources and experience to oppose these manufacturers, large or small, and get results. Call Mr. Mendelsohn for an in-depth consultation concerning your accident.

Contact a New Jersey defective product attorney today for a free consultation.